New York Scaffolding

Scaffold Industry News

New York ScaffoldingThe Labor Law Sec. 240, better known as the New York "Scaffold Law," has garnered much attention since being enacted. After many revisions, the statute now requires property owners and contractors to provide workers with proper scaffolds, harnesses, hoists and other safety equipment in regards to the construction site. If scaffolding fails or other injury occurs due to lack of safety equipment while elevated on a worksite, then absolute liability is placed on these building owners and general contractors for these accidents.

The New York "Scaffold Law" is unique to the state and is designed to protect workers on the job site. Namely, to protect the immigrant workers who are not likely in a position to protect themselves or speak up in the event of a scaffolding accident. Immigrants, specifically Latinos, hold one of the highest shares of jobs in the construction industry, receiving inferior compensation for very dangerous jobs. Since these workers may be illegal, speak little English or rely on these jobs to survive, they are not likely to complain about scaffolding related accidents. Sec. 240 of the Labor Law provides a safer work environment for these laborers and protects them in the event of an accident at the worksite.

Accidents related to faulty scaffolds are one of the leading causes of workplace fatalities. However, this scaffolding law assists New York in having one of the lowest rates of occupational fatalities in the construction industry in the U.S. Since it puts absolute liability on property owners and contractors, these businesses have greater motivation to provide the proper high-quality scaffolds and safety equipment to prevent job site injuries and fatalities.

Superior strength scaffolding is imperative to worksite safety. Scaffolds should be constructed to the highest quality standards and must meet OSHA regulations and other legal codes. Heavy-duty, reliable and sound scaffolds are necessary for quality construction and worker safety. Top-grade steel scaffolds that are properly designed and constructed will serve best for any construction need. Scaffolds can be designed to reach from the ground to the top of a building for roof work, can be constructed to be free standing for work on large monuments and sculptures and can wrap around an entire building for façade work.

The absolute need for scaffolding in the U.S. construction industry ensures that statutes like the New York "Scaffold Law" will remain intact, despite numerous appeals. By placing greater emphasis on the need for well-constructed, secure scaffolds and worker safety and protection, the jobsite fatality and injury rates can continue to decrease. By placing absolute liability on property owners and contractors for scaffolding accidents and deaths, the New York construction industry is forced to improve work site conditions and protect their valuable workers.